Archer Cooper

Shopify Experts in Manchester

Choosing who to work with can be a painful process. Our manifesto is a way to explain what we believe in and how we work. It's a way to help you decide if we're the right fit for you. We're a small team remember, so these principles really do apply to us all.

First, speak no bullshit

Our foremost principle is also the sweariest, but we really mean it. There's a lot of bullshit in the world, and we don't want to add to it. We want to be honest, transparent and straightforward in everything we do. We want to be clear about what we can do, what we can't do, and what we think you should do.

This is why our existing clients trust us. We don't bullshit them, and we won't bullshit you.

Hang on tightly, let go lightly

You hired us because we’re experts. We’re here to guide you through the process, but we’re not here to take over. We’re here to help you make the best decisions for your business, not to make them for you. We'll give you the best advice that we can, and we'll challenge you when we think you're making a mistake.

And in the end, if you decide to go another way, we'll support you in that decision.

Speed is the killer feature

We believe that speed is the killer feature. We believe that the faster we can get something in front of your customers, the faster we can learn what works and what doesn’t. We believe that the faster we can learn, the faster we can iterate, and the faster we can improve.

All things being equal, the faster something can get done the more valuable it will be to your business.

One eye on the future

As much as we want to move fast, we also want to move smart. We want to make sure that the decisions we make today don’t come back to bite us tomorrow. We want to make sure that the work we do today sets us up for success in the future.

Every feature, build or project we undertake is done with an eye making the next project easier or not even necessary at all.

As little as possible, as much as necessary

When considering any project, feature or new idea, we always ask ourselves: what is the fastest and easiest achieve the desired outcome?

We believe in the power of simplicity, and we strive to do only what is necessary to get the job done. Sometimes we need to prove that something works before investing more time and money into it so we always approach everything from that angle.

Start a conversation

Our introductory call is a no-nonsense, no-obligation dive into your current situation. Between us we should establish if we think there is a good fit for the work to be done. It is not a sales call.

Tell us about your project